Global Risk Intelligence and Planning, Inc.

Achieving Situational Awareness Superiority

About GRIP

Harold "Hal" Kempfer - CEO

With about two decades as the Founder and CEO of two dynamic consulting and training firms focused on strategic risk, intelligence, planning and all-hazards/all threats security, Hal represents unique talent along with his firm having an exceptional array of subject matter expertise. Hal is frequently seen on television news as a contributor and on-air "expert", from local stations to international cable news. A retired Marine intelligence officer with 24 years of service, much of it in the civil-military realm, having been the senior intelligence officer for service, joint and coalition commands.

GRIP Services

  • Training and Facilitation
  • Management Consulting
  • Expert Analysis/Contribution
  • Engagement Development
  • Studies and Research
  • Video Production
  • Report Writing/Review
  • Online Training/Courses
  • Public Speaking Engagements
  • Event Host and Emcee
  • Movie and Television "Expert"
  • GRIP Expertise

  • All-Hazards & All-Threats Preparedness
  • Counterterrorism & Asymmetric Threats
  • Homeland & National Security
  • Emergency Operations and Management
  • Strategic Risk Management
  • Comparative Risk Assessment
  • Strategic Communications & PIO Roles
  • Workplace Security & Countering Threats
  • Convention Safety/Security
  • Civil-Military Planning Processes
  • Business Planning and "Wargames"
  • Maritime Security Issues
  • Supply Chain Security
  • Fusion Centers and Intelligence Programs